Les Petits Ballets News

Les Petits Ballets, celebrating 40 + years providing the Ottawa community with exceptional ballet training.

Dedication to Dance 2021

Each year, other than the past few (due to our renovations and then the pandemic), Les Petits Ballets awards one or more dancer(s) with 'The Dedication to Dance Award'. Founded by former Director of Dance, Eva Zielinski in 1992, the award will be renamed in her name after her retirement, to honour her commitment and her own 'dedication' to the scho...

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  2082 Hits

Why Dance During the Summer

​School's out for the summer (soon anyways)! But should you also put your dance training on hold? Obviously we're a little biased, but dancing over the summer can have many benefits for your training and not to mention, it's FUN!  Maintain your skills - You've worked hard all year to improve your technique as well as learn new skills...

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  1922 Hits

Achieving Beautiful Port de Bras

Definition: PORT DE BRAS - the carriage of the arms Port de bras does not just encompass the poses of the arms, but the transitional movements between the poses including movements of the head, the use of the body and épaulement. It is the foundation of the use of the arms in ballet and is the most difficult part of dance to master. It is grad...

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  4949 Hits

Ballet Exam Checklist

Last week, we explored how to prepare in the lead up to your ballet exam. Read more about it here. This week we will take a look at what you should do the night before and/or day of your exam in order to be as prepared as possible to do well. Know the exam schedule: Make sure you confirm with your teacher what day and what time your ballet exa...

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  3076 Hits

Preparing for Your Ballet Exam

With ballet exams around the corner, it's completely normal to be feeling a little nervous. Although they can feel scary, ballet exams are an excellent tool to gauge your progress and to receive feedback that you may or may not have heard before. You can treat your ballet exam as a performance. You wouldn't want to be unprepared for a stage perform...

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  2579 Hits

Rest and Recovery

 Dancers tend to be pretty hard on themselves, physically and mentally. Rest is an important aspect of training that is largely overlooked or ignored, especially in today's face-paced society. According to Matt Wyon, Professor of Dance Science at the University of Wolverhapton, "Quality of training is more important than hours danced. Optimal ...

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  2093 Hits

Setting Attainable Goals

Goal setting is defined as 'the act of selecting a target or objective you wish to achieve'. In dance, goal setting can be a great way to motivate yourself and personally keep track of your progress in class and performance. This can be especially helpful during the pandemic as it can be easy to feel unmotivated with the stressors of the ...

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  2132 Hits

Pointe Preparedness - Are You Ready for Pointe?

 Do you dream of donning your first pair of peachy-pink satin pointe shoes? This iconic symbol of the ballerina is aspirational for many young dancers. Though we may want to start pointe right away, it's important that the process is not rushed to decrease the risk of injury. There are many factors to consider when determining if a ballet stud...

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  1906 Hits

Why Should Adults Dance?

 Starting ballet as an adult or coming back to ballet after a long hiatus can be intimidating and downright scary! While it may seem like most dancers begin at a young age and continue honing their technique as they age, it is totally possible to begin to dance later in life. It is also equally possible to come back to dance even if you haven'...

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  1648 Hits

Performing During the Pandemic

As we approach the end of November and the holiday season, we would normally be preparing for our biannual performance at Meridian Theatres. Last year around this time, we performed a new production of 'The Nutcracker' with choreography by Emily Rudenberg. The performances were a big success and we all were looking forward to performing it again th...

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  1675 Hits

Ballon - Achieving Enviable Jumps

 Ballon - A ballet term that refers to a dancer appearing to hover in the air when performing a jump. This light-weight and airy quality in allegro work is highly desired in ballet as it adds to the illusion of ease and weightlessness while dancing. Although it makes jumps appear effortless, achieving enviable ballon actually takes a lot of ef...

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  4417 Hits

Aplomb - What is it and Why is it Important in Dance?

 APLOMB - Stability, Assurance, Poise  Correct posture allows us to use our bodies with maximum efficiency. In the words of Vaganova, "a correctly set body is the foundation of dance". We call this 'aplomb'. This term applied to the dancer means that he or she has full control of their body and limbs with their weight correctly centr...

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  6834 Hits

Our Choreographic Chain Letter

 While COVID 19 health restrictions prevented in-person classes and rehearsals, the Les Petits Ballets family banded together to create something special - a way of dancing together while being apart. This project involved students from every program at Les Petits Ballets, including students from the Pre-professional, Recreational and Adult pr...

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  2108 Hits

Hallmarks of the Vaganova Technique

 "Look at life all around; everything is growing,  everything is moving forward. Therefore I recommend… keeping in touch with life and with art".  – Agrippina Vaganova  Famed pedagogue Agrippina Vaganova (1879-1951), is known for her development of a new training system for dancers in the first half of the 20th century, now know...

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  1991 Hits

Three Nutritional Tips for Dancers with Registered Dietitian, Christine McPhail

​Nourishing our bodies is very important for daily life and is even more important for athletic performance. Adding dance training to our regular activities uses up A LOT of energy and properly fuelling our bodies helps us maintain energy levels, avoid injury and stay well. Registered dietitian, Christine McPhail, so generously provided us wit...

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  1970 Hits

How to Make a Ballet Bun

​It's hard to think about ballet without conjuring up an image of a ballerina in a tutu with her hair tied back in a perfect bun.  We all know that becoming that ballerina in the tutu is a lot of hard work, but for some, creating that elusive bun is more difficult than expected. ​​D​O NOT WORRY! YOU WILL NEED:-spray bottle with water-comb and ...

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  12326 Hits

Foot Care for Dancers

Feet are the most precious tool for a dancer and taking care of them should be a priority.  The following are a few tips for healthy foot care.  ​Toe nails Toe nails should be kept short.  Using sharp scissors or a toenail clipper cut your nails straight across the nail.  Do not curve inwards as this may cause ingrown toenails.&...

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  2893 Hits

How to Clean Canvas Ballet Shoes

​In order for your canvas ballets shoes to look and feel their best it is necessary to keep them clean.  Following the next few simple steps will ensure comfortable, clean and  longer lasting shoes. You will need:    lingerie bag or mesh ballet shoe bag, mild detergent and a washing machine Step 1: Place canvas ballet ...

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  8869 Hits

How to Sew Double Elastics on Ballets Shoes

​You have purchased a new pair of ballet slippers with double elastics, are excited to wear them and then realize you need to sew on elastics!  Don't worry!  Following the four simple steps below will ensure perfectly placed elastics and your shoes will be secure and comfortable. You will need: thread, sewing needle, straight pins, s...

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  12476 Hits

How to Sew Elastics on Ballet Shoes

​​Is this your child's first pair of ballet slippers or maybe yours? Are you wondering how to attach the elastics? The only method is to sew the elastics to the shoe either by hand or machine. As the sew by hand method is accessible to everyone, it is demonstrated below. Generally, a single elastic is preferred for younger child...

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  5987 Hits